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Old English Bulldog
CATEGORY: brachycephalic molossoid
UTILIZATION: Companion, sporting
SIZE: Medium (females 43-45 cm, males 45-50 cm)
may be above standard size if well proportioned
(Breed abbreviations, check INFO "Inscriptions"
NICKNAME: just OEB, Oldie
LATEST UPDATE: 30.11.2019
not to be confused with the Leavitt bulldog wich was originally called "Olde English Bulldog" and today renamed "Leavitt Bulldog" and registered with the LBA. The Leavitt Bulldog standard do not accept follwing colors: blue, black tri, black and tan, chocolate, colors wich are accepted in the Olde English Bulldogge.
General Description : The ideal Olde English Bulldogge is a loyal, courageous dog of medium size with a large powerful head and a stocky muscular body.
Olde English Bulldogges are athletic and most importantly of very good health, males are able to perform a natural tie and females are free whelpers.
The Olde English Bulldogge is devoid of all breathing issues and is capable of enjoying outdoor activity without concern except in extreme heat or cold.
The temperament is very stable and trustworthy making them a loyal companion, capable protector and the ultimate family member.
Olde English Bulldogges thrive on pleasing their owners with whom they have a strong bond, they are easely trainable.
Their lifespan is about 10 and 14 years.
Head : width should be equal to height, massive and sunken between the eyes (medial furrow) extending up to the front. The circumference of the head should be equal to or greater than the dog's height at the shoulder. The front is flat and musceled or slightly convexe. A narrow head or one that appears too small for the body is a fault. The jaw bone should be wide and massive and jaws well musceled. A moderate fanon can be present.
Ears : Rose ears set well appart and high on the sides of the head are preferred. Fly away, half pricked or small button ears are accepted, large “hound like” or full pricked ears that stand up on top of the head are DQ.
Muzzle : Broad, square and short, 1/4 of the total lenght of the skull from the occipitus to the point of the nose is prefered (see garphic below) or to the point of the chin, slightly more or less is tolerated as long as in harmony with the head. 2 folds extending down the flews are present. The bite is undershot 1,5 - 2-5 cm with the bottom jaw turning up noticeably. The point of the chin is proeminent, nose laid back. Flews are semi-pendoulous. Muzzle should not be shorter than 3,5 cm. Muzzle too long, more than 7,5 cm, mesured from the stop to the point of the nose, is a DQ. .
Teeths: Lower canines should not protude when mouth close. scisor bite, inversed scisor bite or even bite is a DQ. Wry jaw is a DQ (see picture below). Missing teeths is a FAULT, also P1. 6 small Incisives come in an even row between the tusks. Broken teeths is not a fault.
Eyes : set low, the center of the eyes is at about at 1/3 of the total height of the skull and wide apart, at about 1/4 of the total width of the head (See graphic below) of moderate size. Any color is acceptable. Different colored eyes (iris-heterochromia) is not desirable. Tendence to Ento- or extropian is a FAULT. The surrounding of the eyelids should be tight. Lacking pigment around the eyes is a cosmetic fault. Crossed eyes or non-symmetrically shaped eyes, eyes wich are set to near are a DQ.
Nose : Broad with open nostrils with no sign of air restriction (stenotic nares). The nose should not be pushed up between the eyes. From the stop to the end of the nose must be at least 3,5 cm. The nose should be a solid color black or adapted to the coat color if dilute color. A dudley nose lacking pigment is a serious fault. A nose lacking all pigment is a DQ.
Neck : nearly as wide as the skull, short to medium in length and very muscular flowing into the shoulders and should not be set on the dog so it appears to stop at the shoulders.
Chest : Ribs should be well sprung (rounded) and the chest wide and deep.
Depth of chest should be at least to the elbows. A hollow or narrow chest (slab sided) should be considered a SERIOUS FAULT. Seen from front you should see a square mesure from feet to feet and feets to arm pits. 100% in width, 100-125% in height.
Back : Males should appear square and balanced, 100% in height, 100% in lenght. Females should appear similar with consideration given for body length 100% in height, 100-120% in lenght. The back is short and straight with a very slight rise from the croup to the shoulders is preferred, a very slight drop from the croup to shoulders is acceptable also very slighty roached. A level back is acceptable as long as the tail does not come straight off the top of the back. A saddle back, hollow is A SERIOUS FAULT.
Shoulders : Muscled and well laid back with significant angulations to allow for good movement. Straight shoulders are a FAULT. (See graphic below, figure "a" is correct "b" is faulty, straight).
Forequarter : Forelegs should be straight and wide apart, neither bowing out nor turning in. There should be significant bone substance. Elbows should be relatively close to the body. Lacking bone and substance is very undesirable. Elbows that are loose or “fiddle fronts” is a DQ. “East / West” forelegs are a SERIOUS FAULT. (See graphic below).
Hindquarter: legs should exhibit significant bend of stifle so to allow for good movement without being over angulated. They should be well muscled. Angle at the stifles should be in harmony with angle at the shoulders. Straight or “posty” rear legs are a serious fault. Legs seen from behind should be straight. Bandy legs (in O) is a FAULT, Cow hocks (in X) is A SERIOUS FAULT. See graphics below.
Movement : Dogs should have a balanced gait that drives off the rear and is complimented by reach allowing the dog to cover ground with a sense of power. Dogs should single track. Pacing or crabbing is a serious fault.
Feet : Round, toes tight both front and rear, and the front pasterns (metacarpus) should be strong, also rear pasterns (metatarsus). Weak pasterns and/or splayed feet (pigeon toes) are DQ. (See graphic below).
Height : females 43 to 48 cm, males 45 to 50 cm at the withers. A size - 2 cm is acceptable, a size more than + 2 cm above the standard is a FAULT.
Weight : Between 22 to 31 kg for females and 29 to 38 kg for males.
Color : Any colors are acceptable with no preference for one over another: black, black and tan, white, chocolate, blue, lilac, also version of these colors with piebalding, brindles, tricolor. Merle is not accepted . The coat is short. A wavy or a long coat is a DQ.
Tail : ideal tail is a full tail reaching the hock or just above. A half tail, short straight or screwed is accepted as long not high set and well defined . There is no penality for a short tail as long in harmony with the body. A curly or inclinated long tail is a DQ. The tail should be carried low, not above the back of the dog. Docking is prohibited in Europa.
Temperament : Disposition should be outgoing and happy. Watchful at home, human aggression without provocation is a disqualifying fault.
Males should exhibit 2 testicles fully dropped in the scrotum. Cryptorchisism is a DQ.
A dog who doesn't fit the standard in type will be DQ.
Attention will be given for matings to meet the standard. For example, a longer nosed dog (maximum of the standard) should be bred to a shorter nosed, and a taller (maximum of the standard) dog to a smaller (minimum). Faults will not be doubeled up in breedings and selection will be made to complete each other.
DQ = Dysqualification
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